Dental Practitioners / 

Why refer?

Making your patients’ needs a priority

As a general dentist with a busy patient schedule, you are dedicated to offering your patients the highest quality of care possible and will do your best to treat even the most difficult of cases. However, as an experienced practitioner you also recognise when a referral is necessary for the ongoing health and wellbeing of your patient.

At Dutch Barton Dental Practice we accept referrals from dental colleagues all over Wiltshire and beyond. In each instance, we treat the patient for the referral reason and once completed, we recommend they follow up with you. We are ethical and honest, so your patient always comes back to your care.

Kate was able to smile with confidence again after her treatment.

Since having the treatment life has been so much better. I feel happier! My teeth are amazing; they give me no trouble whatsoever and…I can smile!

Kate, Dental Implant Patient

Range of treatments

We accept referrals from dentists and other healthcare professionals for a wide range of treatments, including:

We are also happy to accept patients who are unable to tolerate impressions for Crown and Bridge work.

Anne found having her crown replaced to be surprisingly comfortable and convenient with the use of our digital technology

Dental implants

As a well-known implant provider, we accept referrals for single tooth implants, multiple dental implants, implant retained dentures and full arch dental implants. Our investment in a CBCT scanner and Primescan / Cerec ensure that this is one of our most popular inhouse treatments, and we have an excellent reputation for implant success.

We also offer implant patients sinus lifts and guided bone regeneration if needed.

Extend your treatment offering & make the latest digital technology available to your patients

Oral surgery

Where a patient has chosen private care for their oral surgery, we offer a full range of procedures including:

  • Complicated extractions
  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Endodontic procedures such as apicectomies

To make a referral, please contact us through our online referral system. We look forward to working with you.

We accept referrals from other dental professionals

As one of the leading dental practices in the local area providing dental implant treatment, we accept referrals from dentists and other healthcare professionals. Please contact us through our online referral system.

Make a referral
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DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental
DutchBarton Dental