Our dental team offers patients quality care, provides advice they can understand, surpasses their expectations and delivers excellent results.
The Dutch Barton Dental Practice dental team offer traditional dentistry using modern techniques and technology. Our aim is to ensure patient satisfaction every time.
Our accomplished team is renowned in the local dental community for its commitment to excellence, advanced implant practices and we are a dental referral hub for other dentists in the area.
Simon Fieldhouse
BSc (Hons), BDS, FDSRCS (England), FCGDent, Registered Specialist in Oral Surgery
GDC 68142
Our Services
As well as providing routine treatments and cosmetic dentistry, we are proud to be able to offer care for the most complex of dental cases. We have handpicked an experienced and knowledgeable team to offer patients quality care and compassionate service.
We accept referrals for oral surgery, endodontics and dental implants. We are also fortunate to work with an experienced periodontist and can offer patients his support if required.
The main philosophy of the practice from my perspective is: ‘Do it once and do it properly.’ The benefits for the patient with digital technology are substantial.
Building Relationships
Supported by an excellent team of dental nurses, hygienists and administrative staff, we focus on building relationships with our patients to understand their needs and to recommend the most effective treatments.